On a fateful day in 1991, a young German driver by the name of Michael Schumacher made his Formula One debut with the Irish Jordan-Ford team at the Belgian Grand Prix. Despite the less-than-ideal circumstances of his debut, replacing the imprisoned Bertrand Gachot and driving car number 32, Schumacher’s raw talent and skill immediately caught the attention of the F1 community. Little did the world know what kind of persona had just been born. It was a beginning of a new era for the sport. In the lead-up to the race, Schumacher impressed the Jordan team during a test drive at Silverstone, despite having only seen the challenging Spa-Francorchamps circuit as a spectator. His impressive qualifying performance, securing a 7th place on the grid, resulted in the team’s season-best starting position. On the opening lap of the race, Michael’s clutch, unfortunately, failed right after the famous Eau Rouge corner, cutting his race shortly after it had even begun. Despite the race lasting a mere 60 seconds, it was evident over the course of the race weekend that the young driver had a bright future ahead. As Michael Schumacher took to the track for his debut Formula 1 season in 1991, he sported a clean yet uniquely painted helmet, that seamlessly blended his personal sponsor design with the iconic colours of the German flag – black, red, and gold. Crafted by the renowned manufacturer Schuberth, known for its exceptional workmanship, it was just the first of many for the legendary driver. And even today, Schuberth continues to outfit Schumacher’s son, Mick, as he follows in his father’s racing footsteps. A helmet that started it all and followed Michael during his debut season of Formula One.
Team: Michael Schumacher
Price: 90.00
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Unknown
Gender: Unisex
Age Group: Adult
Catalog ID: 10409714